You played Paschelbel's Cannon in D...
So now you play everything in D major. I used to do that too and it was loads of fun. BUT... 7 minutes of happy-go-lucky triads is a bit too much, man...
I liked the piano solo at 2:48, even though it wasn't complicated, it was a nice change of tempo and it broke up those triads a bit.
On the whole, your tempo changed a lot. (You wouldn't want to hear this with a metronome next to you). On the other hand, your diminuendo is bit too gradual and subtle. When you want to transition from an upbeat section to something a bit more somber ( > ) you should try making it more obvious.
It always seems more obvious to you when you're playing it, but an audience doesn't notice these things as easily. If you listen to classical pianists, they exaggerate diminuendo to the point where they become hard to hear.